Water Purifiers for Hyderabad water

Summary of the City
Not Available

Water quality information

Hydarabad City
The manjeera supply streaming out of taps in most Hyderabadi households is not fit for drinking. ... Worse, the water is acidic, way beyond permissible limits, and even colored, indicating the presence of algae and decayed vegetation in the reservoirs that serve at least 70 per cent of Hyderabad's thirsty populace.
Second source is the river Musi, which cuts across Hyderabad, continues to be one of the most polluted rivers in the country. The Musi is a tributary of Krishna River which comes from Maharashtra state & having huge chances of hiving Industrial & Agriculture contamination.
As per data obtained from Telangana State Pollution Control Board, The Musi, which is a tributary of the river Krishna, contains of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total dissolved solids (TDS) - which have not changed since 2007 and in some cases have increased drastically.

Recommended Technology
For less maintenance & less water wastage - UF / UF+UV
For more purity - NF 30 + UV (Maintenance & water wastage will be high)