We never heard about your company / 'CM Purifiers' brand?

Kindly see our company profile, client list & testimonials from clients about our product & services. You will get fare idea about why should can trust us.

What’s the difference when we chose CM Purifiers?

You may not have heard of ‘C M PURIFIERS’, but if you see our client list, we have successfully installed & run our units where many branded products have failed. But we used spare parts manufactured by companies which are biggest brand in their respective fields in INDIA / WORLD. e.g. We are using Dow Chemical’s RO membrane (100 GPD) which is biggest brand in world. We used Permionics UF & NF membrane who is first manufacturer of Membrane in INDIA. We use Alfa UV in our domestic product which is India’s most trusted brand even in industrial segment. So all these big brands put together, we get 'C M Purifiers'.

How CM Purifiers is surviving the competition against the big brands?

Our company always take care of four important things which big brands don’t. 1. Customer should be justified. 2. Product should be affordable to common man. 3. Customer should never feel cheated. 4. Always think from customer point of view.

Our doctor says boiling is the best. who should we trust? doctor or you?

Every doctor doesn’t know everything about every subject. If you go to four specialists, all will have different opinions. Some doctor say boiling is the best. Few of them say you should drink direct tap water to maintain your immunity. And more than 80% doctors use water purifiers at home, clinics & hospital with different technology. Boiling is very old & traditional method. We should upgrade as per Science & technology. Therefore no company of bottled water boils the water.

If we drink purified water our body will get used to it.?

We should keep proper balance in every area of our life. Every human being has different immune level. If that level crosses, we will fall seek. Every where it is not possible to get purified water. Even there is a big question mark about purity of bottled water in India. But if you drink pure water where it is available it will help you to keep micro-organisms below your immune limit & you will never fall seek due to water.We usually eat at home, once a while we eat outside food. But if we always eat outside food, we will definitely fall sick.

What would happen if our inlet water quality changes?

Our every Cabinet is standard for all technologies. We can very easily convert our UF base purifier to NF / RO or very easily add UV sterilizer or Alkaline cartridge. So we can upgrade / modify our machine any time as per inlet water quality.

Why in all our videos, we have suggested to fix uv chamber position in horizontal, whereas in our machines its fixed in vertical position?

Kindly note following points about your query of UV chamber position:
You are looking the model is not UV. The main & most important stage for purity is Membrane. UV is additional.
Purification capacity of our UV is around 100 Liters / Hours but after passing water from the Membrane flow rate of water reduces up to 12 to 15 Liters / hour, Which provides 8 times more retention time to UV for its work.
Membrane technology improves the transparency of water & no deposition take place on the Quartz Glass of UV system which improves the performance of UV system.
In our video we mentioned that Horizontal Position of UV Chamber is better than Vertical Position. It does not mean that Vertical design is totally wrong.
The cabinet which we select for domestic use has a clamps for fixing the filters in such a position that we have to fit all cartridges in Vertical position only including UV.

Why you don’t give post Carbon in your purifiers?
  1. A) Carbon is the stage of pre-filtration not post-filtration. Carbon can be breeding ground for Bacteria’s & can release impurities adsorb by him if we will not replace it on time. Hence you will not find this stage in any Industrial Water Treatment Plant. This stage it introduced in domestic RO system before adding TDS Controller (with is nothing but By Pass Valve). When in India companies started to sale RO system in Municipal Supply even in Mumbai & Pune Municipal water (having TDS around 60 ppm) output TDS was coming below just 5 ppm. To improve the bitter taste of such a low TDS water Post Carbon has been introduce to Domestic RO system.
Why you don’t sale/promote under sink machine?

We can supply under sink model but we don’t recommend it for following reasons:-

1) Due to not having proper ventilation and humid atmosphere under the kitchen sink area all the metallic parts corrodes very fast.

2) It is difficult for a technician to handle the unit for service or repair purpose under the sink.

3) When purifier is placed under the sink issues like reducing flow of machine, stopping waste water are not recognised by the customer at initial stage. Customer know about any issue when these problem gone at last stage & machine totally stop functioning. Due to this maintenance & repairing cost is much higher as compare to wall mounting/table top machines.

Even after understanding these issues if you would like to go with it we can supply you customized model with best possible configuration.

What will happen if your company will shuts down or we transfer where your service is not available?

We are very well doing in purification industry & therefore our client base is very strong. So there is no question of shutting down.Even if it happens all the spare parts we use in our products are standard & are very easily available in market all over India. There is no single monopolized item used in our units. So it is very easy to get service for our products from any professional service engineer of water purifier.